Gary Cavalli
Dec 9, 2019
49ers-Saints Classic; Playoffs Set; Year of the Transfer
You may never see a better football game than yesterday's thriller between the 49ers and Saints. Two of the best teams in the NFL, with...

Gary Cavalli
Aug 19, 2019
The Pac-12's Best Coach?
In 2005 a rookie coach came to the Emerald Bowl with a 6-5 overall record and a 4-4 mark in the Mountain West Conference, good enough for...

Gary Cavalli
Nov 19, 2018
What Have You Done for Me Lately?
The pay is good, but the hours are long and the job security is non-existent. In the high-pressure world of college football, “what have...

Gary Cavalli
Nov 5, 2018
The Officials Are Ruining the Game; Plus N’Keal, Michigan, Utah, Cal QBs, Stanford’s Clock, UC Davis
With my wife and daughter on an all-day shopping spree, I spent Saturday with remote in hand, enjoying a fascinating menu of 14 college...