Gary Cavalli
Jan 2, 2019
Bowl Highlights, Lowlights, Bail Outs; Playoffs; Pac-12 for Sale
There have been some incredible performances—both good and bad—in this year’s bowl games. For example, Cal’s 10-7 loss to TCU in the...

Gary Cavalli
Dec 14, 2018
Our Annual Bowl Viewing Guide: The Games to Watch
Saturday marks the start of Bowl season, always an exciting time for fans who like to gorge on college football. But no matter how big a...

Gary Cavalli
Nov 5, 2018
The Officials Are Ruining the Game; Plus N’Keal, Michigan, Utah, Cal QBs, Stanford’s Clock, UC Davis
With my wife and daughter on an all-day shopping spree, I spent Saturday with remote in hand, enjoying a fascinating menu of 14 college...