Gary Cavalli
Apr 1, 2019
March Madness Musings II; Play Ball!
Another incredible weekend of basketball. Every game seemingly a down-to-the-wire, edge-of-your-seat thriller. Great performances from...

Gary Cavalli
Mar 25, 2019
March Madness Musings
As always, there are a lot of interesting story lines emanating from the NCAA Basketball Tournament. Dawkins Destroys Duke Dreams...

Gary Cavalli
Apr 26, 2018
Much Ado About (Almost) Nothing
Last fall, after the FBI filed corruption, bribery and fraud charges against 10 people associated with college basketball, NCAA President...

Gary Cavalli
Sep 27, 2017
The Shame of College Basketball
We’ve known about this for some time now. People involved in college basketball have known about the shoe deals, the under the table...